Saturday, November 27, 2010


 Kruja is the storical crucial point of the mediaval times, because it became the capital of a serial uprisings aganist Turkish Empire.
It is home of our gratest hero that world recognises,Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg.
The city's name comes from the Albanian word for water source.
 Krujë is a tourist attraction alongside a panoramic mountainside location. Some of the main points of interest include the restored castle and citadel, the Skanderbeg Museum located inside the castle, and the old restored bazaar. The citadel includes a restored house from the Ottoman epoch that serves as the Ethnographic Museum.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Vlora Bay is located in southwestern Albania on the coast of Adriatic.
It is a touristic center with great hotels and summer night clubs for them that don't want to sleep. Vlora is an awesome place for those who are keen on ancient history and historical places,because Vlora's got a fabulous history.
Who wants to know more ....well you know....Albania is waiting!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Durres is the second largest city of Albania and one of the most ancient cities of Europe.
It is located in the central Albanian coast, situated  at the one of the narrower points of Adriatic Sea opposite the Italian ports of Bari and Brindisi.
In the city of Durres you can find melting the culture and history with entertaintment .
So, when you will have  some time to spend and you want to spend it well take a look of this post!


Here we are with Gjirokastra as we like to call it the "Stone City".
This name was given to it for its architectural structure, the whole city costructions follow a special line respecting the age and history that Gjirokastra city holds onto the shoulders.
Located in the southern Albania, Gjirokastra is one of the most important cultural centres we go proud for.
PS: You must visit the castle(photo), its full of impressive stories!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Not just for the Summer

Now in this post I'd like to show you that Albania is not a place just for the summer holidays, but you can enjoy the four seasons choosing how to spend your time:going to the beach, trakking, mountain bike and skiing.
Here you can find some of my proposes:Thethi, Llogara(Vlora), Dardhe(Korça), Bozdovec(Korça), The  Valley of Valbona River( Tropoja).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What I am talking about

I would like to rappresent some of the best places to visit in Albania
Hope you like it!